FIRE RELIEF RAFFLE via Pasadena Altadena Coalition of Transformative Leaders
FIRE RELIEF RAFFLE via Pasadena Altadena Coalition of Transformative Leaders
This raffle will benefit Pasadena/Altadena Coalition of Transformative Leaders. Existing community organizations such as this one have pivoted quickly to become points of contact for people in need who have lost so much.
'PACTL is a family resource center serving youth, parents and professionals to shape social policy and put collective wisdom to action’
They are in a unique position to respond to the current tragedy, and have been addressing the immediate needs of people displaced by the fires. Upon looking into their work I see that they offer community programs spanning from empowering youth through culture/drama and art programming for families, to adult education and immigrant assessment and referral work. I hope that with your help we can make a sizable donation to their work. Find their current efforts on facebook here and learn more about the organization's larger goals on their website here.
This is an unusual Raffle prize- but I think an especially good one! I am raffling off a mug from a choice of 14 bird mugs which I am currently working on ( they are in the kiln as we speak for the first firing). The winner will have in addition to the prize of mug, the first choice of any of the mugs which I have made this round. They should be ready in a month. I generally do not pre-sell pieces from this collection, and my bird collections have become my most popular body of work over the years.
These mugs take at least four hours each from construction to finished piece, they represent some of my best work. I am honored to offer one for fire relief.
To Enter:
- Purchase tickets on my site- OR donate directly and send me a screen shot of your receipt. Tickets are $10 each.
- Purchase as many tickets as you would like.
- Raffle will close on Thursday January 23.
I will share a screen shot of our total donation at the closure of this raffle.