Amaryllis Custom Letter Plant Pot Pre-Order *Pre-order is CLOSED

Amaryllis Custom Letter Plant Pot Pre-Order *Pre-order is CLOSED

Pre-order is CLOSED

It's a strange offer, I will admit, to offer a pot from the studio that has yet to be created. But in this there is a unique opportunity for seldom offered customization-  as well as the chance to let you in on the process of making a piece from sketched design to finished product. 

If you know anything about me besides pottery, it's probably that I have an affinity for flowers and house plants. One of my deep winter pick me ups is a mug of hot tea and a flower magazine as I plan the garden beds for the coming season.


It was as I was thumbing through one of these flower magazines where there was a spread highlighting amaryllis- those tall flowering stalks, emerging from a large partially uncovered nub of a bulb, into a top heavy firework show of large trumpet flowers. The flowers can last up to 3 weeks, and come just when we need a little life in our homes the most, during the shortest days of the year. My mom has one of these, and I was surprised to learn that post flowering, the bulb will continue to grow, and flower again, and again.

Just as the chipmunks and goldfinches are beefing up on the drying sunflower heads around the garage, I say let's plan together for a bit of color and life during the winter doldrums. 

Your probably onto the idea now, funny that I do get so excited about these things- I'd like to make planters which would address the specific needs of the amaryllis plant- a taller gently flared vessel, with a water dish included. The pot would be thrown a bit thicker then I usually do, to ensure a certain heaviness which would help with the center of gravity, further ensuring that the tall stalks do not topple the pot. 

The pot will likely be made of recycled porcelain and stoneware-porcelain blends I

have in the studio. It will have a simple added woven band at the lower third mark of the body with a bit of a flared lip on the water dish. A subtle band at the top lip of the pot would complete the form. Because these pots would be made-to order- I will be able to add a customization of an embossed letter over an oval medallion, making these a thoughtful gift, or just a piece for your home with a bit more meaning. I was thinking that if you are part of a hyphenated family name (as I am) - I could even add the oval with a different letter on the front and back of the piece. Otherwise only the front will be decorated.

The pot will be unfussed, with the maker's marks which enhance the nature of a folk-ware style clay pot. I will be offering these pots in gloss white, and also in a deep umber which tends to break over edges with a bit reddish. These glazes would each accentuate the form, the white adding softness, while the umber will be a strong presence.

Part of the reason to launch this immediately is that I would love to include the option of ordering these as a 'grow set' with an amaryllis bulb and soil included. I've spent an afternoon researching bulbs... I enjoy going down the rabbit hole when it comes to plants. I've found that these can be quite pricey on certain sites, and that much of the pricing comes from the size of the bulb but also the provider- providers order from wholesalers, who source from farms. The changing of hands three times before it arrives to the consumer means that big flower stores may resell these at much as 2.5+ x, depending on the size of the bulb and also the region these are grown. Jumbo bulbs may sell for $26ish a piece just for the bulb alone- these are not cheap plants, but in finding a reputable wholesaler I am able to by pass one of the steps in getting these plants to you ( I am passing the savings of the bulb onto you, the price reflects the time of throwing and decorating the pot). By launching the pre-order this week, It will give me a good idea of how many bulbs to order. These will ship around late October/early November, and they will flower over winter, possibly over the holidays (8-12 weeks after planting based on indoor temperatures).  

This pre-order structure is based on how I would develop a pot for a larger run in collaboration with a client or designer. I rarely offer custom work, but with custom orders in the past you would receive a sketch of the projected piece, as shared here, with the understanding that some aspects of the design may change, based on how the process of making goes. I'll be touching base on the progress of your planter- I am looking forward to these beautiful blooms during the winter months!

These should bloom 8-12 weeks after planting in a cheerful red-orange from the Souvereign variety of amaryllis.


Pot is about 6" w x 8" h with drainage pot. 

Kits will include

- Handmade Custom Planter and water dish.
- Amaryllis Bulb 
- Potting soil
- These are easy low maintenance plants, a Care Card is included.

If you prefer to purchase a planter alone, I am happy to do so as well.
Because of customs regulation with sale of plants, International customers will be able to purchase plant pots, but unfortunately I will not be able to ship with bulbs.

I am always happy to include a gift note in a package if these are being gifted directly. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions about the project! I am eager to get started. 

The Pre-Order is open until Tuesday September 10.

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